Our Healthy Singapore Fund
Our Healthy Singapore Fund (OHSF) aims to support individuals and organisations to drive not-for-profit health promotion initiatives for the community.
Who are eligible to apply?
For Individuals
Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident who is 18 years old and above, currently residing in Singapore.
- SingPass will be required to log into the Our SG Grants Portal to submit an application
- Applicant must be partnering with a community organization*
For Organisations
- Organisation must be registered in Singapore and did not experience financial embarrassment.
- CorpPass will be required to log into the Our SG Grants Portal to submit an application
- For organisations that do not belong to any community organization*, application must be supported by a community organisation*
*Community Organisations refers to entities belonging to:
i. Social Services Agencies (listed with MSF)
ii. Grassroots Organisations
iii. Reputable Academic Institutions
iv. Religious Organisations
v. Non-Government Organisations (NGO)
vi. Non-profit Organisations (registered under Institution of a Public Character (IPC))
OHSF supports partners to implement initiatives that promote one or more of the following areas of health within the community:
- Physical activity
- Nutrition
- Mental wellbeing
- Smoking cessation and prevention
Grant Quantum & Evaluation Criteria
Successful applicants can receive co-funding of baseline funding (50%) or enhanced funding (80%), on supportable project expenditure (see FAQ “B7” for list), capped at $20,000 reimbursement value per project application.
Baseline Funding Criteria (50% - Project meets all criteria A, B, C)
- A. Scope – Ability to address at least one HPB’s Priority Areas
- B. Community Building – Active partnership with the community and/or community organisations
- C. Feasibility – Quality of Project Application, Practicality of Goals and KPIs, and Applicant’s Track Records and Resources, Budget Reasonableness
Enhanced Funding Criteria (80% - Project meets either criteria D or E)
- D. Advocacy Impact - Impact segments that require more targeted approach
- E. Innovation/Transformation – New methods beyond existing approaches
Applicants can make multiple project applications, but only one active approved funding at any given time. (Approved funding period: Date of Approved Project to Date of Reimbursement Completion)
The supportable duration for each project should not exceed 12 months.
Please see FAQ “B7” for full list of Supportable Expenditures and Not Supportable Expenditures.
Project Completion and Submission for Reimbursement
After grant recipent has completed the project, recipent has to submit the Project Completion Report and the Reimbursement Claim Form within 3 months of the Project end date via the OHSF portal.
Reimbursement will be made upon completion of the project, subject to the verification of supporting documents submitted.
Reimbursement will only be made for eligible items/services procured after the Letter of Award is accepted.
For further enquiries, please email ohsf@hpb.gov.sg.
Supported by: