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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant threat to global human health. As illnesses caused by drug-resistant bugs become more difficult or impossible to treat, they can lead to more complications, prolonged illness and deaths. Unless urgent action is taken, it is projected that globally in 2050, the annual attributable deaths due to AMR is 10 million, which is higher than attributable deaths due to diabetes (1.5 million) and cancer (8.2 million).

As part of the Singapore’s National Strategic Action Plan (NSAP) to tackle the problem of AMR, Health Promotion Board (HPB) ’s AMR campaign aims to increase public awareness on the correct usage of antibiotics, and in turn reduce antimicrobial resistance.

Through the campaign, we aim to convey the following messages:

  • Antibiotics do not speed up recovery of illness caused by viruses such as flu, COVID-19 or the common cold
  • Antibiotics do not work against viruses
  • Consult a doctor for the correct diagnosis and treatment

For more information on HPB’s AMR campaign, please click here