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Answer the call of Ramadan. Stay healthy and smoke-free to provide more for your family this Ramadan. Quit smoking by signing up for the Ramadan Smoking Cessation Programme.

The annual Ramadan Smoking Cessation Programme aims to motivate and help smokers to quit smoking, in preparation for Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month. This initiative will take place from 12 July to 4 August 2013 and aims to encourage smokers to start their I Quit 28-Day Countdown for your family, better finances and a healthier lifestyle.

If you manage to stay smoke-free for the first 28 days, you are five times more likely to quit for good!

Trained Quit Smoking Consultants will be available at various mosques and Ramadan bazaars to provide brief counselling as well as smokerlyser tests, to measure the amount of carbon monoxide you have inhaled.

You may sign up for the programme via:

  • Call QuitLine at 1800-435 2000