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An effective WHP programme uses a combination of organisational policies, environmental interventions and lifestyle and personal health skills to influence employees' health.

i. Organisational Policies

The company can support health promotion in the form of policies, statements, procedures and visible management backing.

Workplace Health Promotion is:

  • Health-related policies such as workplace nutrition policy, healthy catering policy and smoke-free policy
  • Health-linked policies such as family-friendly policies, policy on internal communication, workload distribution, management and accountability

ii. Supportive Environmental Measures

Social/Organisational Environment

A supportive social environment is critical for health promotion. This comprises an organisational culture of empowerment, trust, care and respect and the shared beliefs which employees identify with.

Examples include: recognition for participation in WHP programme, having clear channels of communication, having clear workload distribution and accountability, and having management practices which reduce the sources of organisational stress.

Physical Environment

Facilities can reinforce or enhance the programme.

Examples: water coolers, gym or access to sports facilities, canteen that serves healthy food, childcare services and vending machines with healthier snacks.

Access to Health Promotion in Clinical Services

A company's medical centre/services should move beyond providing only clinical and curative health services, to focusing on health promotion as well.

iii. Lifestyle and Personal Health Skills

Information or training should be provided to enable employees to adopt healthy behaviours.

Examples include: talks, workshops, counselling sessions, contests, competitions and exhibitions on health issues and skills to control weight gain and quit smoking.

To find out more information on our workplace programmes, check here.