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Are your employees engaging in any form of physical activity?
The National Health Surveillance Survey 2007 found that 66.7% of respondents who were physically inactive cited that they were either too tired or had no time for exercise due to work and family commitments. Regular physical activity is beneficial for health; it helps to keep one in a healthy state of mind and body. For working adults, this means increased productivity and performance at work. Benefits to the organisation include reduced medical leave and health costs.
Encouraging Physical Activity
As an employer, human resource manager or health facilitator, you have an important role in helping your employees and colleagues engage in physical activity.
Encourage the Use of Stairs Instead of the Lift
Stair climbing is a simple physical activity and opportunities for this activity are easily available. Remind your employees to use the stairs by putting up posters or banners near the lift lobbies or stairways in your workplace. This little effort can go a long way. In time to come, your employees would make this lifestyle change and be on their way to becoming more physically active.
Provide Time-off for Physical Activity
Consider giving your employees half-an-hour time-off every week or once in two weeks to engage in physical activity. Many workplaces have done this and found their employees appreciative of the management's support in their pursuit of an active lifestyle.
Offer Workout Classes
Engage a fitness instructor to conduct workout classes for your employees during lunch time or after work. You can encourage regular participation by building in a reward system initially.
Identify Physical Activity Lay Leaders
Identify a few employees who are passionate about physical activity to be 'ambassadors', together with yourself, to encourage and influence fellow colleagues to engage in regular physical activity. Besides forming exercise or interest groups, you can come together to think of creative ways to make physical activity fun and exciting, like holding inter-department competitions/activities, organising subsidised trekking trips to Malaysia, etc.
100PLUS Fitness@Work
100PLUS Fitness@Work provides a convenient opportunity for working adults to incorporate regular physical activity into their busy schedules. It comprises an hour-long workout session specially choreographed to suit people of different fitness levels. The energy-packed workouts offer a fun-filled alternative for individuals from the workplaces to come together to engage in regular physical activity.
100 PLUS i-Run
Running is a fantastic way to boost your energy and put the glow back on your face. Whether you are an avid runner who is gearing yourself up for the next marathon or someone who is awaiting that extra nudge to start running again, 100PLUS i-Run may just be what you are looking for. Hesitate no more. Put on your running shoes today and make it happen.
100PLUS i- Run offers weekly running sessions at Singapore River Promenade. These sessions are led by professional trainers who will give you tips on how to improve your cardiovascular fitness through running. Running clinics are also frequently conducted to impart knowledge and skills on techniques and injury prevention pertaining to running.