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"I wanted to live life healthy. I had to quit smoking." - Sally Lee

Sally has been binge drinking and smoking heavily since she was 18. Admitting to having a "self-destructive" personality, she considered cigarettes her lifelong friends, relying on it to keep her sane during the arduously long working hours.

So her friends were understandably shocked when she decided to quit smoking. "I saw how skinny and haggard I was becoming and decided I had to make a choice", she recounted.

The path to quitting wasn't easy and Sally relapsed a few times. She decided a break from her routine might help, so she upped and left on a long backpacking trip last December and has not looked back since.

"Being healthy feels great! My chronic sinus problem and smoker's cough have all gone, even food tastes better these days!"

In fact, Sally was amazed at how much better she felt after quitting for just a short period of time. "It's been just six months but I feel a whole lot healthier - body and mind!"