You’ve probably heard this a thousand times: employees are your best assets! With healthy bodies and strong minds, productivity levels increase, and people are happier. This means they are also likely to stay on for the long haul. And on that note, a Mercer study reported by The Straits Times found that productivity loss due to sickness could reach a staggering S$3.3billion by 2030!
But as a small business owner, your to-do list is staggering. A health initiative is probably the last thing on your mind and we know it can sometimes be a challenge to implement.
Worry no more, the
Workplace Outreach Wellness (WOW) programme is affordable and hassle-free, designed to support SMEs in their health initiatives to benefit employees.
Check it out: Manage Chronic Diseases
Worried about the status of your health? A basic health screening will cover BMI, blood pressure, fasting blood glucose and blood cholesterol. This helps to identify potential risks of chronic diseases. Also included – at least one follow-up health coaching session.

Sweat it out: Physical Activity
Worried about those extra snacks you are consuming? Worry no more when you keep active! Organising group exercises is a great way for your team to bond, and get those creative juices flowing. Four sessions are provided under the programme.

Dish it out: Nutrition
Of course, exercise is just one part of the equation - good nutrition helps you achieve your health goals. A workshop on balanced meals and delicious recipes will see you eating your way to success!

Let it out: Mental Wellbeing
A strong and healthy mind sets your team up to tackle everyday challenges in the workplace. Learn more about mental resilience, mindfulness and how you can handle stress better, with carefully curated workshops.

Well if you still have doubts, here’s an even sweeter deal for you!. HPB’s WOW Programme provides attractive co-funding for companies. Now that’s going to be a real return for your investments!
Before you get back to those emails, do check out this link for more information:
You can start building a healthy workplace, today! Indicate your interest here.