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A. Marketing Your WHP Programme

Now that you have designed what you believe is an effective workplace health promotion (WHP) programme, you will need to know how to market it. The success of a programme often depends on how your people perceive it.

In marketing, there are five considerations commonly called the 5Ps. 

For further details and examples on how to use each of these 5Ps in your marketing strategy, check out the 'Essential Guide to Workplace Health Promotion: The ABC's of managing your organisation's programme'.

B. Implementing Your WHP Programme

The implementation stage involves initiating the activities, addressing teething problems and ensuring programme quality. Some problems you may encounter at this stage include approaches, resources, administration, logistics, participation levels and marketing.

C. Essential Guide to WHP

To find out further details on the implementation of WHP programme,  check out the 'Essential Guide to Workplace Health Promotion: The ABC's of managing your organisation's programme'.