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With growing evidence that the early-life environment influences the risk of developing chronic diseases later in life, the Health Promotion Board is launching a resource toolkit as part of a groundbreaking early preventive strategy to help parents shape the health destiny of their children, beginning in the womb.

Singapore, 23 May 2012: It turns out that mothers don't always know best – and the rising incidence of chronic diseases among Singaporeans such as Type II diabetes, obesity and hypertension cannot be explained solely by adult lifestyle factors.

2. With increasing evidence that the fetal and postnatal environment can 'programme' a person's gene expression and influence health outcomes throughout his or her life course, the Health Promotion Board (HPB) has moved health promotion another few steps 'upstream', to the womb and the first two years of a child's life.

3. Called the Healthier Child, Brighter Future (HCBF) initiative, this early preventive strategy aims to lay a good foundation for a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible, so as to check the development of chronic diseases later in life.

4. Part of this early preventive strategy consists of a toolkit for parents. Developed by HPB in collaboration with nine hospitals, namely Gleneagles Hospital, KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Mount Alvernia Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, National University Hospital, Parkway East Hospital, Raffles Hospital, Singapore General Hospital, Thomson Medical Centre, professional bodies as well as industry partners, the HCBF toolkit seeks to help parents maintain healthy pregnancies and raise healthy children from the early developmental years to pre-school.

5. Launched by Minister of State for Health, Dr Amy Khor at KKH today, Healthy Start for Your Pregnancy will be presented free of charge to expectant mothers at the Obstetrics & Gynaecology (O&G) clinics in the three restructured hospitals. Healthy Start for Your Baby will be presented to mothers delivering at all hospitals in Singapore.

6. At the same time, HPB will be making the toolkit available at private O&G clinics so that expectant mothers there can use this resource toolkit as a companion guide. This toolkit is also available for download at HPB's website.

7. Comprehensive and easy-to-read, the HCBF toolkit is a one-stop resource health guide, equipping expectant mothers and new parents with the knowledge they need. Filled with helpful visuals, tips and helpline numbers, the toolkit also aims to provide information customised to reflect local concerns.

8. Dr Amy Khor, Minister of State for Health, said: “The 'Healthier Child, Brighter Future' toolkit will provide parents, especially first-time parents, with the right tools, information and services to manage pregnancies and care for their newborns and infants. Without a doubt, expectant mothers who take care of their health would have a better pregnancy and delivery experience. The toolkit will also help parents to lay an early foundation for a healthy lifestyle for their babies. This is especially important with the increasing incidence of chronic diseases and rising evidence that the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes may be linked to the fetal environment. Parents should make every effort to embrace a healthy lifestyle because what they do today could have an effect on the health of their family members tomorrow.” 

9. Said Mr Ang Hak Seng, Chief Executive Officer, HPB: “Some pregnant mothers may adopt a eat-for-two approach, thinking that a chubby baby will be a healthy baby. Conversely, some mothers who are worried about regaining their figure after delivery may eat less during pregnancy. These are myths that have far-reaching consequences for their babies. Research studies have shown that babies born either too big or too small are 30 per cent more likely to develop Type II diabetes. That is why HPB aims to educate all expectant mothers in Singapore on their nutritional needs during pregnancy and post-delivery.”

10. HPB has been collaborating closely with healthcare partners and the community to create an empowering and enabling environment, such as the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, which advocates breastfeeding as well as antenatal classes in the hospitals and community. There are also weaning workshops which teach parents how to introduce solids to babies so that they get a nutritionally balanced diet.

11. Other early intervention initiatives under the HCBF strategy by HPB include the:
  • Health Booklet
    Serving as a personalised data bank of a child‟s health and medical records from birth throughout his or her school-going years, the Health Booklet guides parents, caregivers and healthcare professionals in assessing the child‟s development at key milestones. Revised last year, it will be presented to parents together with the Healthy Start for Your Baby resource book before the mother‟s hospital discharge.
  • Healthier Child, Brighter Future Workshops
    Conducted by HPB at the request of interested community partners and organisations, these workshops aim to equip parents with children up to two years old with the knowledge and information they need to raise healthy children during their development years.
  • Developmental screening, immunisation programme and weaning workshop
    Through the polyclinics, HPB provides free immunisation (MMR, BCG and DPT vaccinations) and developmental screening for Singapore citizens. Children are screened from birth up to the age of four, monitored and followed-up to detect developmental and growth delays. Parents can also attend free weaning workshops at the polyclinics.
12. Expressing support for early intervention strategies such as the Healthier Child, Brighter Future initiative, Associate Professor Kenneth Kwek, Chief Executive Officer, KKH, said: “Awareness and education are key to ensuring better health outcomes for the future generations or Singaporeans, and optimal pregnancy may be the ultimate form of preventive medicine. This comprehensive resource guide is an example of the collaborative work among healthcare professionals, professional bodies and HPB towards this very goal. As the largest maternity facility and specialist training centre for O&G in Singapore, KKH is proud to be a part of this forward-looking strategy.”

ANNEX 1 - Fact Sheet on Healthier Child, Brighter Future
ANNEX 2 - Healthier Child, Brighter Future Resource Toolkit
ANNEX 3 - Healthier Child, Brighter Future Workshop for Parents

Issued by Health Promotion Board