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Marketing ideas 

  • Highlight the benefits
    Give them concrete examples of the benefits, e.g. a smoker will save $300 a month (one packet of cigarettes a day) or $3,600 a year if they quit smoking. The savings can be spent on a holiday in Australia with their family!
  • Include family values
    As people are often motivated to adopt healthy behaviours for their family, you can include success stories about a father who quit because of concern for his children's health from passive smoking.
  • Need for role-models
    Take the lead. Inform them that their supervisor / manager are taking part in the smoking control activities.
  • Need for recognition
    Appeal to their need for recognition e.g. by featuring them as participant of the month for outstanding performance. You may also hold a ceremony to reward the employees who manage to quit the habit.
  • Make your message interesting
    Make your message entertaining, humorous and interesting. You may use animations and cartoon character in your e-mail or flyers.
  • Use common human needs
    Appeal to employees needs to have more freedom and to be in control of their life and not to be controlled by their nicotine addiction.
  • Make the activities relevant
    Based on their feedback, choose activities which they are most likely to participate in. Smoking control messages & support can be built into other programmes such as sports events and family day carnivals.

Maximise attendance 

  • Workshop held at their convenience
    Employees are not likely to stay back or to attend workshops on their off days. Workshops should ideally be held at a convenient time and place.
  • Introduce fun elements
    Facilitators may couple smoking awareness talks with other activities such as exercise sessions, yoga lessons and message workshop to add to the "fun" element.
  • Lucky draw
    Participants will need to answer some simple smoking awareness questions (related to the activity) to be eligible to enter the draw.
  • Minimal registration fee
    To ensure commitment to attend talks, you may impose a token fee of $5, refundable or exchangeable for a gift pack upon completion of the activity.
  • Door gifts
    Simple door gifts such as pens, notepads, bookmarks with quit tips, candies can be given away as mementos.
  • Introduce point redemption
    Points can be given to employees for every smoking control activity. The points accumulated can be used to redeem for gifts or vouchers.