Tripartite Oversight Committee on Workplace Safety and Health
Since its inception in 2014, the Tripartite Oversight Committee on Workplace Safety and Health (TOC) has supported employers in achieving total workplace safety and health through a holistic suite of programmes and initiatives. The third TOC term (2021-2024) started in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, catalysed the TOC to engage even more employers given the multi-faceted impact to employees. The TOC focused more on initiatives for individual wellbeing and offered virtual and online modalities to ensure that we continue to effectively serve the needs of different segments of our workforce.
Driven by three dedicated subcommittees, the TOC focused on engaging workers in high-risk industries, business, industrial clusters and precincts, and mature workers in priority sectors, as depicted below:

In its term the committee has continued advancing workplace safety and health:

Looking ahead to the fourth term (2024-2027), the Tripartite Committee on Workplace Health will build on the strong foundations laid in previous TOC terms and oversee the implementation of these recommendations:

For the full Third term report, please click here.