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Secondary Schools & JCs

At HPB, we encourage schools to establish a culture that promotes healthy and active living. Here are some programmes your school can adopt to empower students, staff and parents in supporting this culture.

Creating a supportive environment

We have a variety of programmes that help students learn about nutrition, physical activity, substance abuse, mental health and sexuality education.

For Students

  • Nutrition
Healthy Meals in Schools Programme
Objective: Increase students’ access to healthy food in schools and encourage them to adopt healthy eating behaviours/habits.

Target audience: All students, staff and canteen vendors

Programme details:
All schools will be provided the criteria and guidelines on providing healthier food and beverage choices in schools.

Find out more about Healthy Meals in Schools Programme here.

  • Physical Activity
Active Youth Programme

Objective: Encourage students to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily lives.

Target audience: All students

Duration: 1 hour

Programme details:

  • Secondary Schools can mix and match to opt for different types of physical activities (e.g. Zumba, Dodgeball, etc.)
  • Programme is offered on a package basis of 10 sessions per school. Each student is encouraged to attend all 10 sessions where possible.

Format: In-person

  • Tobacco Control 
Winners Don't Puff – Assembly Skit

Objective: To educate students on the harms of smoking/vaping and equip them with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions.

Target audience: Secondary 1 to 5 students

Programme Content:
A 30-minute Interactive Assembly Skit to raise awareness on:

  • Harms of smoking/vaping.
  • How smoking/vaping is related to other youth developmental issues.
  • Benefits of a nicotine-free lifestyle.
  • Promoting nicotine-free norms.
  • Peer pressure to smoke/vape as one of the challenges that youths encounter during adolescence.
Format: In-person
  • STI/HIV Prevention 

Objective: Provide accurate information on infections such as HIV/STIs, modes of protection against infection, specifically abstinence and the correct and consistent use of condoms, as well as the consequences and impact of STIs.

Target audience: This programme is mandatory for Secondary 3 and JC/CI 1 students

Programme details:
A 1-hour mass talk followed by a classroom lesson within a month of the mass talk.

Format: Pre-recorded video

  • Integrated Health 
Youth Preventive Health and Dental Services

Objective: To conduct annual health screening, immunisation and dental services for primary school students, to ensure the protection of the students’ health and early detection of health issues.

Target audience: Secondary 1 to 5 students

Programme details:
Health Promotion Board (HPB) Youth Preventive Health and Dental Services conducts annual health screening and dental services for your students. Types of health screening include spinal, hearing and pubertal screening and height/weight/BMI measurements. Find out more on the types of health screening here, and the types dental services provided here.

HPB offers fully subsidised Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations to eligible Secondary 1 and 2 female students. HPV vaccination is not compulsory and parental consent is required for the student to receive HPV vaccination. Find out more on the vaccination here.

Format: In-person

  • Targeted Intervention

These programmes aim to help students whose health are at risk due to poor weight management or addictions. Students are empowered to make lifestyle modifications and develop healthy coping habits.

Student Health Advisor (Lifestyle Coach) Programme

Objectives: Facilitate the timely detection and management of high-risk behaviors (smoking/vaping) and health related issues (obesity and chronic conditions).

Target audience: Students requiring support on weight management and smoking/vaping cessation programmes in schools.

Programme details:

  • Schools on this programme are identified by the Ministry of Education. Under this programme, healthcare professionals are stationed in schools to provide convenience for students seeking health-related advices.
  • Through individual / group health counselling sessions conducted at schools, lifestyle coaches (student health advisor) provide guidance for students with health related issues.
  • Where necessary, timely interventions and follow ups are provided.

Format: In-person or virtual / tele-counselling

For Educators 

Health CHAMPS Workplace Health Promotion Programme for Staff

Objective: Improve the health and wellbeing of employees in schools and build a health promoting workplace.

Rationale: A sustained and effective workplace health programme improves the overall health and wellbeing of employees. This contributes to a positive workplace environment and productive workforce.

Target audience: All staff

Programme details:

  • Engaging workshops that help your staff improve their wellbeing during contact time or staff engagement days.
  • Your staff will learn to use tools such as online health coaching and health-related applications to track their personal health.
  • Selected members of your staff will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and resources to champion workplace health activities among the rest of the staff.

Format: In-person or virtual

For Parents 

Mental Well-being Workshops for Parents
Objective: Through these workshops, parents will learn about helping their children cope with their emotions, build resilience and learn strategies to cope with stressors. All workshops offered are free-of-charge.

Target audience: Parents with children 13 to 17 years old.

  • In-person (School will have to ensure pre-registered numbers of at least 40 to proceed)
  • Virtual (School will have to ensure pre-registered numbers of at least 60 to proceed)

Schools have 2 topics to choose from, and each workshop is 1hr long.

Find out more here

Contact Details

Schools are invited to book these programmes through our new Operation Management System (OPMS). A detailed guide for booking these programmes can be found here. For further queries, please email us at