Programmes for Tertiary Institutions
At HPB, we encourage schools to establish a culture that promotes healthy living. Here are some programmes your school can adopt to empower students, staff and parents in supporting this culture. These programmes are catered for the polytechnics, the Institutes of Technical Education, post-secondary institutions (excluding JCs) and universities.
The key focus of these programmes is on nutrition, physical activity, mental health, tobacco control and HIV/STI prevention. These topics are interrelated and form a holistic representation of the different facets of health that are vital to one’s everyday life.
For Students
Active Youth Programme
Objective: Encourage students to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily lives.
Target audience: All students
Duration: 1 hour
Programme details:
- Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) can mix and match to opt for different types of physical activities (e.g. Zumba, Dodgeball, etc.,)
- Each student is encouraged to attend all 4 sessions where possible.
Youth Support Youth - Peer Support Programme
- To equip youths with peer supporting skills so that youths in need can get the support they need from fellow peers.
- To help youths be better peer supporters by providing additional training through electives.
Target audience: 17 to 25 years old students who are peer supporters in tertiary institutions
Programme details:
A two-tiered programme:
- A minimum of 25 students are required for each session.
- Level 1 (compulsory, full day workshop) topics:
- Common youth mental health issues
- Peer supporting skills
- Self-care
- Level 2 (elective, 2 hrs per workshop) topics:
- Strategies to support peers in crisis
- Importance of self-care for peer supporters
- Further strategies to enhance peer supporters’ skillset beyond Level 1 (e.g how to peer support over social media)
Format: In-person or virtual
These programmes aim to help students whose health are at risk due to poor weight management or addictions. Students are empowered to make lifestyle modifications and develop healthy coping habits.
Lifestyle Coach (Student Health Advisor) Programme
Objectives: Facilitate the timely detection and management of high-risk behavior (smoking/vaping) and health related issues (obesity and chronic conditions).
Target audience: Students in ITEs requiring support in weight management and smoking/vaping cessation programmes
Programme details:
- Schools on this programme are identified by the Ministry of Education. Under this programme, healthcare professionals are stationed in schools to provide convenience for students seeking health-related advices.
- Through individual / group health counselling sessions conducted at schools, lifestyle coaches (student health advisor) provide guidance for students with health related issues.
- Where necessary, timely interventions and follow ups are provided.
Format: In-person or virtual/ tele-counselling
Contact details
Contact for further enquiries or to register your interest in the programmes listed above.